Friday 28 January 2011

Research Alternative Rock on TV and Films

Alternative Rock & Roll Years - Three part TV series.  Host of show was Deborah Harry (Blondie). Documentary telling the story of pop culture traced across the globe, from rock n' roll of india and hong kong.

Almost Famous - Film in 2000. Starring Cameron Crowe. Cameron Crowe looks back on his time as a teenage journalist. William Miller is hired by Rolling Stones Magazine to tour with and write about an up and coming band Stillwater.

Last Day's- Film in 2005. Michael Pitt. A Seattle set rock and roll drama based on Kurt Cobain's last days.

Empire Records- Film in 1995. All the characters in this film look like alternative rockers. Some dark clothing, broody, converses/ dark sneekers, baggy clothes.

Brothers of the Head- 2005. Siamese twins get picked in the 1970's by a music producer who transforms them into a rock n' roll act.

Twilight - 2008. Film based on the award winning books by Stephine Meyer. The soundtrack for this film includes Muse and Paramore two very well known and popular Alternative rock bands.

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