Wednesday 16 March 2011


Yesterday at 1:05 we brought the drum kit down to the woods from the hall. We spent time setting up outside trying to get the mise-en-scene right. The drum kit was the most difficult to set up but I managed to do it from recalling how I took it apart.
An hour in we had technical difficulty when the i pod speakers ran out of battery, I went and got some batteries which worked for half an hour longer before we resorted to using Ambers phone playing the song. This was harder to hear which made trying to performer to it difficult. When we were filming alot of students came outside by our set up to smoke, which was distracting, especially when three boys came over to the drum, kit and asked to play it. One of the boys then broke a stick in half and attempted to play the drums. We stepped in and stated that the drums were for hire and playing the kit with the sharp sticks would damage the kit. The boys walked away and we were free to get back to work.

Though this scene had its problems I think that we managed to get some really good shots and made the music video look professional and realistic.

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