Thursday 3 March 2011

Music Video Schedule

Wednesday 2nd- Timeline-DONE
Pick locations
Create Performers Costume on photoshop
Mind Maps
Blog Update

Thursday 3rd- Take Pictures Of Locations
2 lessons. Sort Extras e.g Props
Blog Update

Friday 4th- Create Other Performers Costumes
2 lessons. Location Setup
Back Up Locations
Sort Out Lights

Monday 7th- Get Cameras, Props, Costumes,
1 lesson. Get Everything Ready To Start Filming

Tuesday 8th- OFF

Wednesday 9th- Am- Filming In Forest
2 lessons. Pm- Filming Off College Sight

Thursday 10th- Filming
2 lessons.

Friday 11th- Filming
2/3 lessons.

Locations: Forest/Woods, Car Park Opposite Grafton, Train station, Town.

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