Monday 14 March 2011

Technical Analysis of Video- Foo Fighters 'All My Life'

1) Number of setup changes (change of location/ costume/ performer)

  • three location changes. The car park, corridor, and stage. 
  • there is only one costume for each of the band. 
  • there are four performers. Singer, guitarist, bassist, and drummer. 

2) The different camera angles used in each set up

  • Midshots 
  • close-ups 
  • crane
  • tracking
  • low angle
  • high angle 

3) How the editing works between these elements

  • the editing is fast
  • changing between each edit using out of focus effects. 
  • At the high point of the video they spotlight the different members of the band, with 1 second edits. 
4) What can you learn from this
I can learn that it is good to use quick changes to keep the audiences attention, and use lighting well to bring that extra professional touch.

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